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Rejtett kamera gyilkossággal

2006.10.11. 01:48 paraszolvencia

Egy médiageci szomorú vége.  Az orosz maffia nem ismeri a viccet. Szolgáljon intő tanulságul minden pokolravaló médiamunkásnak.

Hidden Camera Prank Going Bad - video powered by Metacafe

Akinek tigriscsk került a gatyójába:

If you think this all seems a tad morbid for what is supposed to  be a humorous hidden camera prank TV show, you're right. This clip isn't from a television program, nor (despite the overlays in Cyrillic text) did it originate in Russia. It's a television commercial produced for the Type & Magic print production company by the Buenos Aires office of the Ogilvy & Mather international advetising agency.

Okay, it's a commercial, but by now you've probably been left still wondering what in the world a prankster's being gunned down in a mailbox has to do with print production services. That's understandable, because the circulating version of the video clip linked above doesn't include the original ending, which informs the viewer via graphic frames that Type & Magic "know you don't like surprises" and offer "Separations. Photochromes. No surprises":

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